Preparation of ladles and appropriate refractories as per the shift in charge instructions.
Practice of fixing and standard clearance of slide gate systems.
Periodically cleaning of porous plug, inspection of ladles to access the ladle in time.
Maintain slag and metal free on the top portion of the ladle and cleanliness.
Before sending the ladle to furnace ensure standard temperature and inform the ladle history to melter man.
Ensure compliance with safety protocols and regulations, and earing PPE.
Qualifications and Requirements
B.Sc Degree or HND qualification in Mechanical Engineering
Minimum of 4 years experience preferrably in the steel industry.
Must have the ability to multitask effectively.
Good communication skills, with the ability to work in a team.
Candidates living in close proximity to Abujaand its environs are preferred.
Must be available to resume immediately.