Program Associate at Solina Centre for International Development and Research (SCIDaR)

Full Time11 months ago
Employment Information

Role Summary

The Program Associate will provide technical and operational support for the execution of the program or as assigned on other SCIDaR programs. This will involve the day-to-day execution of all program workflows.

Role Responsibilities
Program implementation

Support day-to-day execution of the project activities and deliverables

Monitor program work streams and escalate program challenges;
Gathering and analyzing information, formulating and testing hypotheses, and developing and communicating recommendations;
Participate in client management discussions and implement recommendations in collaboration with the team.
Ensure close collaboration and coordination with cooperating partners to guarantee smooth implementation of activities and achievement of results;
Participate in routine technical problem-solving sessions with the primary client and relevant stakeholders to brainstorm implementation challenges and align on decisions to guide the path forward;
Support and guide project analysts in the day-to-day execution of assigned tasks;

Program monitoring and reporting

Regularly monitor and review program activities to ensure quality, accountability, and contractual compliance with agreed deliverables and performance indicators as per the scope of work;
Contribute to the preparation of monthly/quarterly technical and financial reports (the latter will be in collaboration with the designated Finance Officer);
Participate in structured mid-term and end-term program evaluations;

Program staff development and team building

Participate in the assessment of candidates to affirm suitability for program roles;
Contribute to program onboarding briefing with the program team at the beginning of a new program (or new staff upon joining an existing program) to communicate the program expectations, staff roles, deliverables, and performance indicators;
Support individual team members to identify and document learning goals at the beginning of the program (or new staff upon joining an existing program), and facilitate feedback sessions to track their progress;
Facilitate periodic (at least monthly) individual performance reviews and provide feedback to program analysts on their strengths and re-direction needs as is it applies to program activities and deliverables;
Contribute to all team management issues, including but not limited to team communication, data storage, and sharing modalities, team workstation, facilities, and other logistics, team bonding activities, etc.
Participate as required in the comprehensive in-house professional development program that includes periodic training needs assessment; new staff onboarding and orientation; in-class training sessions; staff mentoring program;
Support Program Managers to anticipate project staffing requirements and planning staff placements to satisfy both employee professional development needs and project needs;
Request ICT infrastructure and support services required for the effective execution of program activities;

Role Requirements

Minimum of Bachelors’ degree in Public Health, Microbiology, Epidemiology, Medicine International Development, Policy and Strategy Development, Health Management or similarly relevant field;
Minimum of three (3) years of progressive experience implementing immunization programs; strong record of leadership in an academic, professional, or extracurricular setting. In strategy, systems strengthening in a major consulting firm a plus;
Exceptional analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills;
Ability to work effectively with people at all levels in an organization;
Reliable people manager, able to manage and promote inclusive and diverse teams within the organization;
Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment;
Fast learner, open to learning from peers, subordinates, and supervisors collaboratively and at a rapid pace;
Strong logical reasoning and creative thinking skills;
Advanced computer usage skills with proficiency in Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint;


Project Management