Project Implementation Unit (PIU) Procurement Consultant

Full Time5 months ago
Employment Information

The PIU Procurement Consultant shall provide technical support to the Project Manager in implementing procurement activities as specified in the Procurement Plan and based on Donor Procurement Guidelines.

Scope of Work

The Procurement Consultant shall ensure performance of the tasks listed below in a manner consistent with international best practices and in accordance with project agreements, requirements and procurement guidelines.

Procurement of Goods, Works and Non – Consulting Services

Assist with the preparation of Project Work Plans and Budgets, prepare Procurement plans for Goods, Works and Non – Consulting Services using appropriate procurement methods agreed with the Bank.
Provide guidance to technical experts responsible for the preparation of Technical Specifications for Goods.
Provide guides to technical experts responsible for the preparation of bill of Quantities/ technical specifications for Works.
Solicit Bidders/Vendors through drafting and Advertising of Invitation for Bids (IFB).
Prepare Bidding Documents.
Manage sales and follow up of Bidding Documents.
Receipt/Opening of bids.
In conjunction with the relevant committee, carry out detailed evaluation of bids/proposals received.
Prepare Bid Evaluation Reports and present same to relevant authorities for approval and to the World Bank for a “No Objection”.
Prepare Initiate requests for Contract Documents.
Ensures appropriate monitoring and management of contract terms to successful completion within the contract period.

Procurement of Consulting Services

Assist in the preparation of Project Work Plans and Budgets and prepare Procurement plans for Consulting Services using appropriate selection methods agreed with the Bank
Provide guidance and where necessary participate in the preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR) and submit same for World Bank review and No-Objection.
Prepare and seek No Objection on all Request of Expression of Interest (REOI) where applicable before advertisement.
Organize Pre-Proposal Conference where necessary.
Preparing Request for Proposals (RFP) and submit the RFP for review and No Objections.
Participate in the evaluation of EOIs and prepare the reports for submission to the for review and No objection.
Participate in the evaluation of technical and financial proposals and prepare the report for submission to the World Bank for review and No objection.
Ensure that a Consultants database of consultants is maintained by the project.

Implementation Supervision

Develop and discuss alternative solutions to identified problems.
Explore the most viable solution to an identified problem and discuss this with the PIU Project Coordinator
Assist in the application of the agreed corrective measures.
Provide hands-on training to the PIU on implementation matters covering procurement, disbursements, report writing, etc.
Conduct post-implementation review.
Participate at meetings aimed at improving project implementation.
Carry out any other responsibility relating to the project as required by the Project Coordinator.

Conduct of Work and Duration of Assignment

The Consultant will be offered a contract with a duration of twelve (12) months on a full- time basis, renewable based on satisfactory performance and need. The Consultant will be required to report at the DBN Head Office based within the DBN approved work hours.

Reporting Obligations

The Procurement Consultant shall work under the direct supervision of the Project Manager. He/She shall also report to the PIU Project Coordinator, The PIU Management team and DBN. Regular progress reports shall be prepared by the Procurement Consultant in the forms and reporting periods yet to be agreed.

Required Qualifications and Experience

A Bachelor’s degree and relevant training in procurement work.
At least five (5) years of direct relevant work experience as a Procurement Specialist and demonstrated procurement experience on International donor funded projects.
Good knowledge of all concepts and principles of and approaches to international procurement, and of public procurement systems
Task/ Project management skills.
Strong communication skills in presenting, discussing, and resolving difficult issues, both orally and in writing, and excellent listening skills.
Ability to deal sensitively with a multi-cultural environment and build effective business relationships with clients and colleagues.
Exceptional degree of integrity, judgment, and tact in handling the most sensitive, diverse and confidential material.
Knowledge and experience in e-procurement will be an added advantage.