Registered Psychiatric Nurse at Synapse Resource Center

Full Time11 months ago
Employment Information

Job Summary

The Psychiatric Nurse will work as part of a team of medical professionals to provide psychiatric nursing care to patients of all ages, gender, religion, and disposition while creating a safe and therapeutic environment to aid their mental stability.

Job Description

Provide mental health care treatment for patients
Best practice documentation for patients treatment plan
Manage confidential information with the utmost respect for the patient
Work with a team of Multi-Disciplinary experts to provide care for patients
Exercise independent judgment in medical emergencies
Demonstrate tact, diplomacy, patience, and compassion
Establish and maintain working relationships with co-workers, other agencies, and organizations
Comply with nursing policies, protocols, and program regulations.


Candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree.
Must be a Registered Psychiatric Nurse.
Must have 1 - 3 years of work experience as a psychiatric nurse.
Must be medically and physically fit.


Patient CareMedical Terminology